Tuesday, April 26, 2005

WTF - The Perils of Blogging

Be careful what U blog, because somewhere someone who doesn't understand that we live in a free country will report U. Or maybe it isn't as free as we'd like 2 think. What are the limits of free speech?

Courtesy of Rotten, a high school drum major was "stripped of his drum major position, given an in-school suspension and barred from participating in music-related extracurricular activities and performances for the remainder of the year" for publishing a "profanity-laced entry in an online journal." (Read the full article here.)

If U read more you'll see that police got involved as well because of a posting (I'm not sure if it was by the same kid or not) that allegedly threatened someone. I understand the threat of violence being investigated in light of all the recent tragedies we've had at school with nut jobs going in and shooting random people, but when do our liberties start to be trounced upon? And should they be?

Well, the kid has enlisted the help of the ACLU in this matter. Good 4 him. But what about the rest of us bloggers? If I say something like **fuck bush** will the almighty Republican wrath come down upon me? Will I be entered into some database that says I'm a national threat? Will some cleverly dressed and hopefully ruggedly handsome men come knocking on my door, flashing badges and asking questions 2 which I can only respond:

"What the f*ck???"

or I could just say "come on in officers, I just go nuts 4 men in uniform." :-)


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